Sunday, December 16, 2007

An Attitude of Gratitude

...and a little child will lead them. Isaiah 11:6d

I'm always learning from my kids. That's what homeschooling's all about isn't it? Oh wait, was I supposed to be the one teaching?!? That's just a myth.

My youngest, a boy of 9, is such a grateful child. Constantly, seemingly out of the blue, he will say, "thanks, mom". I often have to ponder what it is he is thanking me for. Sometimes, I even have to ask him why he is thanking me. He thanks me for having taken him to the library, or to kid's choir, or to lunch, for opening a door for him (he usually gets it for me), for reading him a story, for tucking him in, for making his favorite food, or just for cooking in general. He thanks me for going with him to the woods. He thanks me for all manner of actions and things. It is constant and continuous. And yes, he thanks me at the time, but that is a learned response, an exercise in manners. Later, he thanks me again, but this time out of the gratefulness of his heart as he is pondering. It is these thank yous that catch me off guard and these are the ones that are teaching me.

I wonder how often I take for granted all the many things that God is constantly doing for me. All the little things. I enjoy reading those who have posted the 1,000 gifts. My young son has never seen the 1,000 gifts list, and yet he teaches me to be grateful everyday, for every thing. And certainly my Father gives good gifts to me. If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11 Thanks God, for a little boy, for a warm home on this cold, snowy winter morning, for your Holy Spirit--my constant guide, for your Word, for your Son, for your people, for hot tea, for health, for a hard working, strong and handsome husband who treats me like a princess, for everything...............


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Sheesh. Here come the tears. Such a wonderful reminder in our little ones to be thankful! For me, it is Cor saying "I love you" all day long, always (seemingly) out of the blue. I take a cue from you and shower the Lord with my love... thank you. (And thank you, Mr. Nine-Year-Old!) :)

Kate McDonald said...

So glad you have joined the journey. I pray it is a blessing to you as you bless us with your insight!

Anonymous said...

New here but just wanted to say I am enjoying your blog!
Our youngest boy is much the same, always thankful and always a huge help (he's 14). Thanks for reminding me to be grateful.